
Showing posts from November, 2020

About us

  Sector 7 is a group of Spiritualists at Atsolin Incorperated who are in the care of Fuerie Atsolin, daughter of the founder, Kilan Atsolin. It is our hope that together, through open communication, we can find the best healing path for our patients with their input and the input of the community in mind. Click on the names below to speak directly with residents and learn more about the experience of Spiritualists. I'm currently in the process of trying to figure out how to make a forum for my residents. Until then, please comment on each resident's posts to talk to them directly. We will also be releasing intro videos of our residents so you can see a little bit more about them directly.  Thank you for your patience! -Fuerie Atsolin

About me

Hey everyone. My name’s Remi Volsce. I’m 29 years old, and before Atsolin’s revolution, I was an engineer. I had been working on the creation of a glider that can work on sea, in the air, and on land. I’d never been underestimated before, but since this family’s idea that people like me are incapable has caught attention, I lost my job, started suffering with my mental health, lost my home, and eventually wound up here. I don’t like the “curriculum” they’re preaching. I don’t agree with their ideals, but even outside of this place their vision is spreading. Fuerie actually cares, I can tell. I want to brainstorm ideas with all of you as to how to make the humans realize that us Spiritualists aren’t ill. Please, if you resonate with this, connect with me. If you’re unaware of what being a Spiritualist is and you’re curious, I can do my best to help you understand in a more well represented way. Thank you for reading and hopefully, I’ll hear from some of you all soon.   -Remi Volsce

Fuck all of this...

  If you’re reading this and can find a way to get to Atsolin Incorperated… please get me out of here. I’m sick of this place, of these people, of their wild assumptions. I’m not crazy, I don’t need help, and I’m tired of being treated like I’m sick. If Fuerie really wanted to help us, she’d go against her mother and let us out of here. It’s a hoax. I feel like I’m gonna loose my mind, they won’t listen to me. If you’re out there, get in contact with the Atsolin family, tell them you won’t stand for this, tell them to let us go, please just find a way to stop this so called revolution. -Atsuko Sinclaire

Here's our chance gang!

  Not the most ideal way to stand up for spiritualists, having been caught and imprisoned in this place of “education”… but I’ll take it. Kilan and the rest of her movement certainly don’t want feedback, but her daughter Fuerie might be able to get through to her. Beyond happy I wound up in this Sector of the building and not somewhere else. Anything we brainstorm on here, Fuerie will bring to her mother. That means we have a fighting chance to show that the healing they’re doing isn’t healing, we have a chance to take this down from the inside and help Spiritualists be free again, not feared or looked down on, but understood so us and humans can coexist. To be honest, since the world went wacky, I have had a lot of memory loss. My inner spirits are acting weird and disappearing and I feel really out of control. I don’t think what they say is right, but maybe there is something more to the spirits I connect with then I understand. What do you all think?   -Victoria Hale

Hi there!

  I don’t really know what’s going on in the world right now, or with me. I’m a Spiritualist, and before recently, I thought that was a beautiful thing. It means I connect with other spirits and allow them to use my body. I’ve had a relationship with all of my spirits since I was small, and I love them. But the others seem to have this idea that they might be something to fear, or that they might not exist? I know they do, and it’s hard for me to keep hearing that they think they’re not. My spirit Isla is really freaked out and keeps trying to take over to get me out of here. Fuerie has listened to me, and noticed how forgetful I am. She believes there’s nothing wrong with me, or any of us Spiritualists, but she wants to understand why we’re loosing time, and where these spirits come from. I don’t really think it’s her business honestly… I just want to go home, but they won’t let us go and Fuerie is my closest bet to how I could. But… I’m just happy to have someone to talk to. So, who